Bamos agora para la parte Sul i Poniente de l’Ouropa, para daprender mais un cachico subre la lhéngua mirandesa i las pessonas que la fálan.

We’re going to South Western Europe now, to learn more about the Mirandese language and the people who speak it.

Talbeç yá hábades oubido subre alguas de las lhénguas de la Península Eibérica, mormente se sodes antressados an lhénguas minoritairas i eiducaçon. Talbeç bós yá sábades algo subre Galhego ou Catalan, para solo nomear dues deilhas. Mas yá oubistes falar de las lhénguas minoritairas de Pertual? Buono, hai alguas, mas solo l mirandés stá oufecialmente  reconhecido i amparado cumo lhéngua minoritaira (tamien la Lhéngua Pertuesa de Seinhas stá reconhecida i amparada mas ye ousada a nible nacional)

You may have heard about some of the languages of the Iberian peninsula, especially if you are interested in minority languages and education. Maybe you already know about Galician or Catalan, just to name a couple of them. But have you heard about any minority languages of Portugal? Well, there are several, but Mirandese is the only regional language that is officially recognised and protected (Portuguese sign language is also recognised and protected but it’s used at national level)

Se sodes de Pertual, talbeç sábades de l que stamos a falar. Se nun sodes, talbeç stéiades a cismar porquei ponemos l mirandés cumo parte deste módulo. La respuosta nun ye custosa:

If you’re from Portugal, you probably already know what we’re talking about! If not, you might be wondering why we’re highlighting Mirandese as part of this module. The answer is easy:

L mirandés nun starie neste campo se nun fura ls lhuita de ls sous falantes, i ye isso mesmo que OWL+ quier celebrar.

Mirandese wouldn’t be in this position without the grass-roots efforts of its speakers, and that’s exactly what OWL+ celebrates.

Ls mirandeses son un eisemplo de comportamento para outras quemunidades pertuesas que téngan las lhénguas deilhes inda mais amanaçadas i solo puodan cuntar uns cientos de falantes.

Mas claro que l camino para çfender l mirandés nun ye chegar a la figueira i colher un figo.

Las anstituçones, ls porsores i ls amigos de l  mirandés cuntínan a tener q’arrepassar muita talanqueira para mantener la lhéngua deilhes atiba i amportnate ne l seclo XXI. Este módulo bai-bos a apersentar algun de l trabalho deilhes i ouxala bos anime a amostrar Miranda als outros, de a par cul sou calatriç  lhenguístico sien pareilha.

The Mirandese community are a role models for other communities in Portugal whose languages are even more endangered and can only count speakers in the hundreds.

But of course, the journey to protect Mirandese hasn’t been laid out on a bed of roses.

Institutions, teachers and activists continue to face many challenges to keep their language relevant and active in the 21st century. This module will introduce you to some of their work and, hopefully, it will inspire you to tell others about Miranda and its unique linguistic characteristics!


Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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