5 Un cachico de stória / A little bit of history

L zaparecimento de l reino de Lhion deixou la lhéngua stur-lhionesa sien un centro de poder que permetisse l sou spargimento i, mormente, l sou amanho i fortalecimento cumo lhéngua. Assi, esta família de lhénguas – i l mirandés tamien -quedórun arredadas de ls gandes mobimentos culturales de ls seclos XV i XVI, cumo l Houmanismo i l Renacimento – que le permetírun l grande poulo dado pulas lhénguas de poder, las “lhénguas nacionales”, cumo tal, l pertués i l castelhano.

After the Kingdom of León was founded in the late IX century, the Astur-leonese language lost its position of influence and, as as it was to be expected, its strength and much of its expansion. Therefore, this language family -including Mirandese- were isolated and left out of the main cultural movements of centuries to follow, like Humanism and the Renaissance (XV and XVI centuries). The languages of power back then, which we know now as national languages, like Portuguese and Castilian, benefitted greatly from their exposure to these movements.

Por esta altura, stan acabados ls porcessos d’amanho de las chamadas “lhénguas nacionales”, yá seia cumo cumo lhénguas de l’admenistraçon yá seia cumo lhénguas académicas (de scola). Tamien amportante an Pertual, fui l mobimento para “rezar an lingoagem” (an fidalgo/grabe), deregido pul Custituçones Eipiscopales, ne ls seclos XV i XVI, que ampuso l Pertués cumo ls sola lhéngua para “falar cun Dius”.

It was around this time that so-called national languages achieved its status as languages for administration and for academic purposes. In Portugal, the movement to “pray in the correct language” was very important, as the central administration of the Catholic church (which was also the main provider of education) pushed Portuguese as the language that should be used to “speak to God”.

A ber cumo stá l tou saber! Mira l mapa abaixo i çcubre la bariadade lhenguística de l’Ouropa i apuis responde a las preguntas.
Test your knowledge! Use the map below to explore the linguistic diversity of Europe and answer the following questions.


Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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