10 Lhiteratura Mirandesa / Mirandese Literature

Siempre houbo ua riquíssema lhiteratura mirandesa de tradiçon oural, ne ls bariados campos: poesie, cuontas, modas, ouraçones, etc. Alguas dessas formas son mesmo própias de la Tierra de Miranda, cumo tal, ls “Lhaços” (las letras q’acumpanhan las danças de ls dançadores). La mais grande parte dessa lhiteratura inda stá por recolher i, subretodo, por ourganizar i studar. Muita deilha ye an fidalgo ou an castelhano, mas ua parte amportante ye an mirandés.Apuis de las publicaçones de vasconcellos ne l seclo XIX, yá ne l seclo XX, António Maria Mourinho publica muito poema, apuis ajuntados ne l lhibro “Nuossa Alma i Nuossa Tierra” (1961) al que se bieno a ajuntar mais tarde “Scoba Frolida an Agosto” (1979). Alfredo Cortês screbiu la pieça de tiatro “As Saias” (1938) que chegou a ser repersentada ne l Tiatro nacional D Maria II an Lisboua. Manuel Preto, screbiu “Bersos Mirandeses” (publicado solo an 1993).Un outro tiempo ampeça cul seclo XXI, por bias, mormente de bários fatores: l ampeço de l mirandés na scola (1986); la publicaçon de la Cumbençon Ourtográfica (1999) la publicaçon de la Lei7/99.D’anton para cá l númaro d’outores a screbir i publicar an mirandés creciu muito.

Miandese has always had a rich tradition of oral literature in diverse forms like poetry, tales, songs, prayers, etc. Some of these are specific to the Land of Miranda like, for example, the songs that regional dancers use in their choreographies, which are called “lhaços”. Most of this oral literature is yet to be documented and, most importantly, analysed and studied. Also, much of it includes Portuguese and Spanish. After Vasconcellos’ publications in the 19th century (see chapter 2), António Maria Mourinho’s poems are a great example of Mirandese literature in the 20th century. They can be found in the books “Nuossa Alma i Nuossa Terra” (1961) and “Scoba Frolida an Agosto” (1978). Alfredo Cortês wrote “As Saias” (1938), a theatre play that was put on stage at the National Theatre D Maria II in Lisbon.

Other authors had to wait until the 90s to get their work published, like Manuel Preto, who wrote “Bersos Mirandeses” (published 1993). The 21st century represented a fresh start; the inclusion of Mirandese in school for the first time (1986), the publication of the Orthographical Convention (1999) and the publication of the law 7/99 really were some of the factors that helped the development of literature in Mirandese in the new century.

Since then, the number of authors writing (and translating) in Mirandese has been growing.

Hoije scribe muita gente an mirandés. L que mais se bei son las traduçonses: “Ls Lusíadas”, Ls Quatro Eibangeilhos”, “L Princepico” i las bábias traduçones de ls lhibros d’Asterix. Mas claro que tamien hai lhiteratura própia.Ser capaç de fazer nacer lhiteratura an bários scalones i culidades ye ua de las maneiras d’afirmaçon de la lhéngua. La lhiteratura mirandesa ye subretodo ua lhiteratura de l seclo XXI, inda mui presa al sou passado, de calatriç memorialista, mui agarrada al tema de la própia lhéngua, mas cada beç mais abinturando-se puls caminos de la modernidade sien temas ou formas alhenos. Ls meios eiletrónicos, que alguns bien cuno un porblema para la lhéngua de ls pastores de l Praino, streformou-se nua ouportunidade.

Nowadays, the books with the most exposure are the translations of “Ls Lusíadas”, the Bible, The Little Prince and comic books such as Asterix the Gaul. But of course, the Mirandese community continues to develop their own literature.

The ability to create new texts of different genres and characteristics is one of the ways in which the Mirandese language is valorised. We could say that written literature in Mirandese belongs mostly to the 21st century, but it’s still strongly linked to the past and to themes of nostalgia. The language itself is one of the most recurrent topics. However, authors are exploring contemporary topics and forms more and more. While some see electronic media as a threat to the Mirandese language, others see it an opportunity.



Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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