8 Seclo XXI / Beyond preparatory school

Zde l ampeço de l seclo, l mirandés fui sendo ansinado ne l Agrupamiento de Scolas de Miranda, cumo matéria nó curricular i cun alguas deficuldades: nun hai porgramas oufeciales, nun hai manuales i nun hai “carreira” nien formaçon de porsores de mirandés. Assi i todo, l númaro de alunos apuntados a las classes de mirandés nun stubo abaixo de l 60% de l total de alunos de l Agrupamiento, l que ye formidable i amostra bien l formidable trabalho de ls porsores i de la scola i tamien l grande amor que ls mirandeses téne pula sue lhéngua. D’acordo cula Direçon de l Agrupamiento, l ansino de l mirandés stá cunsolidado, cun dous porsores – Duarte Martins i Emílio Martins, que astanho 22/23 dan scola a arrimado 80% de ls studantes, zde l pré-scolar até l 12º anho.

Since the start of the 21st century, the teaching of Mirandese has been expanded from one school to the whole consortium of schools of Miranda, still as an optional subject and still while trying to overcome some difficulties: there isn’t an official teaching programme, there are no manuals and there isn’t a well define career path to become a teacher of Mirandese. Nevertheless, the number of students who sign up to Mirandese lessons has never been less than 60% of the total students of the consortium, which shows not only the amazing work of the current teachers but also how much interest and love the Mirandese have for their language. According to the directorate of the consortium, Mirandese teaching is firmly consolidated. Currently, there are two teachers employed by the consortium – Duarte Martins and Emílio Martins – and in the school year 22/23, almost 80% of the students are signed up to their classes, all the way from pre-school up to the last year of secondary education (17 to 18 years old).

Ls porsores i eiducadores mirandeses muita beç crían ls sous própios materiales. Cumo tal, Mirandese for Kids mistura cuntas bien conhecidas cun lhenga-lhengas i cousas angraçadas para que als garotos nun le custa a lhembrar las cousas.

Mirandese teachers and educators often create their own teaching materials. For example, Mirandese for Kids mixes well-known stories with formulaic and repetitive language and humour so children can remember them easily:

Todos ls anhos s’antrega un prémio: “Galardones Amadeu Ferreira”, dado pula Associaçon de la Lhéngua i Cultura Mirandesa, als studantes finalistas de mirandés i stá pensada tamien la possebelidade d’haber outro prémio dado por un benemérito.

One of the tasks ahead for the whole community is to keep the students motivated. For example, every year, the Mirandese Language and Culture Association grants prizes, the Amadeu Ferreira Awards, to the best performing students of Mirandese. There are other initiatives being planned, and much more to look forward to.



Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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