17 Caderno de notas/ Key takeaways


🧭 Ne l seclo passado, muita gente scapou de Miranda a saber de melhor bida noutros lados. Eilhes nun deixórun de falar mirandés quando scapórun, talbeç haba sido al cuntrairo; l mirandés tornou-se parte de la sue eidentidade i de ls lhaços de las sues famílias.

📉 Mais alhá de todas las cuncluzones que bimos ne ls trés capítelos antes, la gente mirandesa ye cada beç menos i mais bielha. Este ye un de ls mais grandes porblemas que las geraçones benidouras teneran q’ancarar para mantener la sue lhéngua.

⚡ Hai pouca gente de baixo a benir para Miranda, mas a eilhes gusta-le muito i aníman-se cula lhéngua i las tradiçones de ls lhugares.




🧭 Over the past century, many people have left Miranda seeking a better life elsewhere. They didn’t stop speaking Mirandese when they left, but quite the opposite; Mirandese became part of their identity and the cohesion of their family.

📉 Despite all the positive outcomes we’ve discussed in the previous 3 chapters, the Mirandese population is progressively decreasing and aging. This is one of the main challenges that new generations face to maintain their language.

⚡ There are few newcomers arriving in Miranda, but they’re open and enthusiastic about the local language and traditions.

We hope that you enjoyed learning about the Mirandese language, how it’s being integrated in school education and how the Mirandese people are mantaining the use of their language. And just like how we promised in Chapter 3, here’s the video of the pauliteiros in action!

Ouxalá hábades gustado de daprender subre l mirandés, subre cumo stá antegrado ne l sistema d’ansino i de cumo las pessonas stan a mantener la lhéngua deilhes. I, tal cumo bos pormetimos ne l capítelo 3, acá stá un bídio de ls Dançadores a dançar!


Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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