16 Latgalīšu volūda i cytys minoritašu volūdys Latvejā / Latgalian and other minority languages in Latvia

1. Apsaver karti i atbiļdi iz vaicuojumim:

  • Kur Latvejā vysvairuok kasdīnā lītoj latgalīšu volūdu, kuruos piļsātuos i nūvodūs/ pogostūs?
  • Kai Tu dūmoj, parkū cylvāki, nadzeivojūt Latgolā, lītoj latgalīšu volūdu – kur i kaiduos situacejuos?


2. Kaiduos volūduos vēļ bīži runoj cylvāki sātā Latvejā? Īroksti ituos volūdys latgaliski! Puorbaudi tū nūsaukumu pareizraksteibu (vaicoj školuotuojai vai meklej škārsteiklā)!

3. Verīs attālā informaceju par dažaidom tauteibom Latvejā!


4. Kūpā ar sūlabīdru voi grupā puorrunojit:

  • Kaidu tauteibu cylvāki dzeivoj Latvejā?
  • Kai ir mainejīs tauteibu skaits gondreiž 20 godu laikā (2000. i 2018. gods), kai Tu dūmoj – parkū?
  • Prognozej, kaida situaceja ar tauteibom Latvejā byus iz 2025. godu, kas byus cytaižuok; argumentej sovys dūmys!
  • Voi tauteiba/ etniskuo pīdereiba ir tys pats, kas volūda, pīmāram, voi seve identificiešona par pūli (poļaku) uzreiz zeimoj, ka cylvāks sātā voi kur cytur runoj pūļu volūdā?
  • Kaiduos volūduos cylvāki sovuos saimēs vysbīžuok runoj Latvejā?
  • Parkū pi tauteibu nav nūruodeits “latgalīts” (ka navari atbiļdēt, puorskaiti vēļ īprīškejuos e-gruomotys nūdalis)?
  • Kai Tu dūmoj, kaidā volūdā voi volūduos cylvāki, kas sevi identificej ar latgalīšim, sātā voi uorpus sātys runoj?

5. Viereigi pietej uzrokstus 7 fotografejuos vysaiduos volūduos (lingvistiskuo ainava, par tū drupeit skaiteji pi temata “Publiskuo telpa i medeji”, 14. nūd.)!

1. Look at the map and answer the following questions:

  • 1) Where in Latvia is Latgalian used most often on an everday basis – in which towns and which counties / parishes?
  • 2) What do you think – why do some people who live outside Latgale continue to use Latgalian? In which situations do they do so?


2. Which other languages do people in Latvia speak often at home? Name these languages in Latgalian!

3. Look at the graph and search for information on different ethnic groups in Latvia!


4. Discuss with a friend or in a group with other classmates:

  • 1) What are the most common ethnicities of people who live in Latvia?
  • 2) How has the proportion of ethnic groups in Latvia changed throughout almost 20 years (between 2000 and 2018)? What do think – why have there been such changes?
  • 3) Try to guess what the proportion of different ethnic groups will be in Latvia in 2025. What will be different than today? Find good reasons and arguments for your prognosis!
  • 4) Is ethnic group or nationality the same as language? For example, would a person who identifies himself as Polish always speak Polish, at home and in other situations?
  • 5) Which are the languages spoken most often by people in Latvia?
  • 6) Why is there no category “Latgalian” in the graph on ethnic groups in Latvia? (If you don’t have an idea of how to answer, look at the previous parts of this e-book)
  • 7) What do you think – which language(s) are spoken by people who identify themselves as Latgalian? At home and outside home (in school, at work, when shopping or elsewhere)?

5. Look carefully at the text in the following 7 pictures (“Linguistic Landscape”, about which we talk a bit in chapter 14 on “Public space and media”)!



Latgalian Copyright © by Sanita Martena; Ilga Šuplinska; Ingars Gusāns; Heiko F. Marten; and tehniskuo paleidzeiba: Paula Lazdiņa. All Rights Reserved.

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