15 Festivali /Festivals

Latgaliskuma uzturiešonai lela nūzeime ir dažaidim lela mārūga pasuokumim. Ir daudz i dažaidu tradiceju. Latgalīšu volūda skaņ Pūdnīku dīnuos (Rēzeknis nūvodā), kas nūtykušys ari padūmu laikā, Annys dīnā (Dagdā, Bieržgalē), ari Muokslys piknikā (Lūznovā) i cytur.

Tok ir daži festivali ci regiona, pat storptautyskī pasuokumi, kur vīns nu pamatelementu ir taišni latgalīšu volūdys lītuojums.

Andrejdīna, Andryva dīna – nu 1998. goda da 2018. godam kasgoda literari muzykalais pasuokums ar jaunūs literatu tekstu skaitejumu konkursu, gruomotu, dzīšmu prezentacejom i performancem, Uoksta capuris izspieliešonu. Suokūtneji kai Rēzeknis Augstškolys tradiceja, piečuok kai regiona i storptautysks pasauokums, pīsadolūt ailinīkim nu Krīvejis, Pūlejis, Leitovys, Boltkrīvejis. Pasuokums, kurā atkluots i pyrmū reizi plašuokai publikai sovu variejumu ruodeis na vīns viņ jaunais literats. Nūteik Rēzeknē, vairuokys reizis bejs ari Lūznovā.

Upītes Uobeļduorzs – dzejnīka i sabīdryska darbinīka Ontona Slišāna 2002. godā īdybynuots meilys aiļu i dzīšmu festivals, kurā pīsadola dažaidu paaudžu ailinīki i dzīsminīki, prīcejūt klauseituojus ar sovu padareitū. Pasuokums seņ puoraudzs Latgolys regiona rūbežu. Nūteik Upītē, Bolvu nūvods.


Muzykys skrytuļs aba Taiseits Latgolā – bīdreibys “Latgolys Studentu centrs” 2005. godā īdybynuots leluokais muzykys festivals latgaliski. Pamata nūsacejums: grupai, kas pīsadola, vysmoz divys dzīsmis juoizpylda latgaliski.  Suokūtneji nūtyka kasgods, piečuok viņreiz divūs godūs Leiksnā (Augšdaugovys nūvods). https://www.facebook.com/muzykysskrytuls


Kroma Kolna bruolistis svātki – bīdreibys “Kroma kolna bruoliste” (https://www.facebook.com/p/Kroma-Kolna-bruoliste-100057337874501/)  2015. godā īdybynuota tradiceja. Bruolistis puorstuovi nūsadorboj ar senejūs latgaļu tradiceju, dzeivisveida, apgierba, īrūču izzynuošonu i rekonstruiešonu.   Veidoj sadarbeibu ar baltu senejūs tradiceju kūpiejim Baļtejis jiurys regionā. Vīnreiz div godūs sovys prasmis jī izruoda plašuokai sabīdreibai Prīžu kolnā Ondrupinis pogostā (Kruoslovys nūvods).


Large-scale events play a particularly important role in maintaining Latgalian culture. There are many different traditions. The Latgalian language can be heard at the Potters’ Days in the country of Rēzekne, which was arranged also in Soviet times, at Anna’s day in Dagda and Bieržgale, at the artists’ picnic in Lūznava and at other occasions.

There are also different festivals in the region and international events where the use and promotion of the Latgalian language are important aims.

Andrejdīna or Andryva dīna (Andrew’s Day): Between 1998 and 2018, it was held as an annual event of literature and music which included a competition of new literature, books and song presentations and performances. Following a tradition at Rēzekne University College, there were participants from Russia, Poland, Lithuania or Belarus. Several young writers presented their works for the first time at these occasions. The events took place in Rēzekne, but occasionally also in Lūznava.

Upītes Uobeļduorz (Upīte Apple Garden) is a poetry and song festival founded in 2002 by the poet and activist Ontons Slišāns. Poets and singers of different generations gather in order to listen to each other. The festival has become popular also outside Latgale. It takes place in Upīte in the County of Balvi.

Muzykys skrituļs (“Music wheel”) or Taiseits Latgolā (“Made in Latgale”): The “Latgalian Student Centre” has since 2005 held the largest music festival in Latgalian. All groups which participate must sing at least two songs in Latgalian. Initially an annual event, it now takes place once every second year in Leiksna (Upper Daugava County)  https://www.facebook.com/muzykysskrytuls

Kroma Kolna bruolistis Festival by the “Krom Hill Brotherhood” https://www.facebook.com/p/Kroma-Kolna-bruoliste/100057337874501/): Starting in 2015, the “brotherhood” has been reviving old Latgalian traditions and ways of life, it conducts research on ancient clothes and weapons and reconstructs some of them. The group cooperates with other organisations interested in old Baltic traditions around the Baltic Sea. Every second year, they show their achievements and knowledge to the general public on Prīžu Hill in the parish of Andrupene in Krāslava County.





Latgalian Copyright © by Sanita Martena; Ilga Šuplinska; Ingars Gusāns; Heiko F. Marten; and tehniskuo paleidzeiba: Paula Lazdiņa. All Rights Reserved.

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