Ownership and Leadership: Pathway for (Endangered) Languages’ Use in School

The Sound of Music

  1. Group formation 

Form groups of 3-4 students. 

  1. Select a song
    Every group chooses a song in [the minority language] that the entire group enjoys. They look up the lyrics as well. 
    Make sure there are no two groups choosing the same song. 
  1. Prepare a presentation
    Every group discusses the chosen song and prepare a short presentation in [the minority language], addressing the following questions:
    – Why did you choose this song?
    – What do you like/dislike about this song?
    – What emotions or feelings does the song evoke?
    – Do you think the impact would be the same if the song were in a different language? Why?
    During the discussion, students are allowed to use their main languages, as long as the presentation is in [the minority language]. 
  1. Write an extra verse
    Every group composes an additional verse (at least four lines of lyrics) to add to the chosen song. They should ensure the new lines fit the overall theme and style of the song.  
  1. Rehearse
    The groups practise their presentation, ensuring that each group member is actively involved. They also rehearse the additional verse to ensure fluency and coherence. They may sing the extra verse, but if they would rather not do that, they can read the lyrics out loud for the class. 
  1. Presentation to the class
    The groups present their chosen songs and answer the prepared questions in front of the class. 
  1. Class discussion
    After each presentation, open the floor for brief comments or questions from the class. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the presented songs and to do so in [the minority language]. 
  1. Reflection
    Conclude the activity with a brief reflection with each group. Discuss what insights were gained from exploring music in [the minority language].

This assignment aims to celebrate diversity through the exploration of music in [the minority language]. Encourage students to express themselves creatively and to appreciate the unique qualities of the selected songs.

Area of Interest: Engagement with civil society (museums, libraries…)

Skills: Listening, Reading, and Writing

Competences: Social competence

Age Bracket: 11 – 15

Time Commitment: 30 – 60 minutes



Access to the internet.

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