Ownership and Leadership: Pathway for (Endangered) Languages’ Use in School

Practical Guide

OWL+ Practical Guide: Ideas and strategies to innovate in your classroom

As you have seen in the examples outlined in the OWL+ module, the diversity of Europe’s minority languages is not just a matter of language families and different groups of people. There is also great diversity in the education systems and approaches that are developed to support these languages in school. Teaching a minority language is not like teaching English, French, or Spanish—even if sometimes we wish we had the same resources. Coming up with new ideas for a minority language lesson, with such little time available, can feel almost impossible at times.

  • discover how different languages coexist in a multilingual region,
  • explore how digital corpora can be used in the classroom,
  • refresh your teaching materials with new audio and video samples,
  • get ideas for field trips where your minority language can be the protagonist,
  • document vocabulary and get creative with translation,
  • and more!

Use the filters to browse the guide depending on your interests, time, or budget available. Each entry provides step-by-step instructions, practical tips, and concrete teaching ideas based on the experience of teachers and academics from the OWL+ consortium. Whether you’re looking to overhaul all your materials or just fill some time in a lesson plan, you’ll find strategies to help you get started.

Please note that we have strived to make all the activities transferable to other contexts. However, some activities in this guide may refer to resources in specific languages or are easier to adapt to some language families than others. In these cases, we have provided a link to the relevant chapter in the OWL+ module for further context.

Please apply at least one filter to view items.

Project Reference: 2021-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000032566