Ownership and Leadership: Pathway for (Endangered) Languages’ Use in School

2nd OWL+ event

We invite you to join our 2nd OWL+ event – this time in Levanger, Norway! Our project partners at Nord University organise and host the event on Monday, 25 September 2023, where we will share our completed module containing informative units about Latgalian, Mirandese, South Saami, West Frisian, and examples of ownership and leadership from these contexts.

Next to that the focus will be on teaching South Saami and to explore existing tools and new opportunities.

Join us onsite or virtually!


Participation is free of charge. Please register physical attendance before September 1, 2023 by e-mail to: laila.l.sakshaug@nord.no

For online attendance for workshop 09.00-16.00, please use following link: https://nord.zoom.us/j/66942787156?pwd=V2NIODJCdGRWZnh5MkMrODFxdDNJUT09

Please register beforehand also for online participation at laila.l.sakshaug@nord.no. Short notice is possible.


See the full programme here:

Make sure to follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook group for updates.
