16 Feturar l feturo / A glimpse of the future?

L grande porblema de la Tierra de Miranda, tamien a nible de la lhéngua, ye que la gente de Miranda ye cada beç menos i mais bielha. Ls mais nuobos, que son cada beç menos, sálen para studar ou ganhar la bida i mui poucas bezes tórnan. Zerteficaçon i ambelhecimiento de la populaçon.

By now you may have noticed that we haven’t mentioned the presence of a lot of languages other than Portuguese and Spanish, which contrasts with the diversity of the immigrant communities across Europe. That’s because the Land of Miranda has one problem, which affects the vitality of the language too. The population of Miranda is progressively decreasing and aging. The young people who are leaving their home towns to study or work abroad rarely come back. Some say that desertification isn’t just happening to the landscape, but the population too.


Assi i todo, bai habendo gente moça – muitos deilhes cun formaçon superior i sien ligaçones a la Tierra de Miranda que bénen para cá a bibir, cumo tal estes moços: https://www.aepga.pt/ou estes: https://www.palombar.pt/pt/ ou estes: https://www.aldeia.org/portal/PT/2/default.aspxNun son muitos, mas son gente moça, cun gusto pula bida loinge de ls grandes centros i cun gana de fazer cousas. Todos eilhes ténen ua atitude mui pozitiba an relaçon a la lhéngua mirandesa; queiren daprender a falar i a screbir i ampéçan a tener “proua” na lhéngua i nas tradiçones mirandesas. Quien sabe alhá se l feturo nun passa por ende…

Despite this problem, there’s a small pocket of young newcomers. While they don’t have any cultural links to Miranda, they want to scape from the city and come attracted by the region’s biodiversity and natural environment.

They’re not many, but they’re young, energetic and appreciate all that the region has to offer. Their attitude towards the Mirandese language and traditions is very positive; they show interest in learning to speak and write, and some of them show a real pride about being able to use the language and give it their own spin. Who knows? Maybe the future of the language is in that direction…



Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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