2 Adonde se fala mirandés? / Where is Mirandese spoken?


Storicamente, l mirandés ye la lhéngua de la tierra conhecida cumo Tierra de Miranda, a la que perténcen trés cunceilhos: Miranda de l Douro, Bumioso i Mogadouro. Tamien hai, claro, falantes de mirandés strampalhados por Pertual anteiro, mas ye subretodo neste cacho de l território adonde se puode ancuntrar l mirandés falado i screbido mais legítemo.
Historically, Mirandese is the language of the region known as Tierra de Miranda, whose principal settlements are Miranda do Douro, Vimioso and Mogadouro. There are, of course, speakers of the language scattered across Portugal, but it is mainly in this region where you’ll encounter Mirandese spoken and written with fluency.


Se quejirdes ber bien cumo ye falar mirandés, ye amportante que dapréndades mais un cachico subre la peizaige i la maneira de bibir de las pessonas. Ambora la mais grande parte de ls serbiços i la scola stéian na cidade, hai un tagalho de lhugares (alguns bien scundidos) adonde se fala mirandés. Stamos mesmo altos an relaçon al nible de l mar, i l riu Douro cuorre pula raia apartando Miranda de la Spanha. Ye natural que la Tierra de Miranda tenga ua quemunidade cun relaçones tan fuortes andrento deilha i que la lhéngua, la tierra i las pessonas stéian tan ancatrapelhadas uas nas outras.Na jinela abaixo, la cantora de jazz Isabel Ventura canta un poema de Fracisco Niebro subre cumo ir para Miranda ye cumo ir para casa. Toca l bídeo i acumpanha a cantar ou carrega ne ls betones para daprender mais palabras mirandesas:

If you want to get a real sense of what it’s like to speak Mirandese, it’s important to learn a little bit more about the landscape and people’s lives. While the big towns are where most of the government and education hubs are concentrated, there are dozens of small towns (some of them quite remote) where Mirandese is spoken too. It is also really high above sea level, and the river Douro runs along the region separating it from Spain. It is only natural that Miranda is such a close-knit community and that the language, the region, and the people are so closely intertwined.

In the video below, local Jazz singer Isabel Ventura sings a poem by Fracisco Niebro about how going to Miranda feels like walking home. Play the video to sing along or click on the prompts to learn more Mirandese words: