L mirandés ye ua lhéngua remance, de la mesma família de l Pertués i de l Castelhano – que son faladas an todo l mundo – i tamien de l Asturiano, de l Galhego i outras lhénguas que son faladas na Península Eibérica. Muitos falantes de mirandés fálan trés lhénguas i stan afeitos a ir mudando antre eilhas todos ls dies, mormente aqueilhes que bíben ou trabálhan cerca de la raia cun Spanha. Por estas rezones, muitos turistas i besitantes quédan spantados quando se béien ambaralhados nas traduçones.
Mirandese is a Romance language, the same family as Portuguese and Spanish, which are spoken all around the world, but also Asturian, Galician and other languages that are spoken in the Iberian peninsula. Many Mirandese speakers are trilingual and are used to switching between three languages on a daily basis, especially those who live or work near or across the border with Spain. For this reason, many tourists and visitors are surprised when they find themselves lost in translation.
Mas l mirandés nun bibe solo achegado al Pertués i al Spanhol. Ye muita beç tamien acumparado al Galhego i al Sturiano. Cunforme a quien lo pregúntades, podeis-bos ber ancalacrados an grandes çcuçones.
But Mirandese doesn’t only live in close contact with Portuguese and Spanish. It often gets compared with Galician and Leonese too. Depending on who you ask, you might find yourself in the middle of some heated debates.
Pula nuossa parte, gustamos de dezir:

“Se fur berdade que ls falantes de pertués i ls falantes de spanhol anténden mirandés… anton l mirandés puode ser ua de las lhénguas mais antendidas de l mundo.”


But in our team, we like to say:

“If it’s true that all Portuguese and Spanish speakers can understand Mirandese… then Mirandese might be one of the most widely understood languages in the world!”


L mirandés ten sonidos, bocabulairo i gramática própias. Mesmo que puodan parecer bastante armanas na sue froma screbida, l mirandés nien siempre ye antendible pul restro de las lhénguas al redror. Teneremos bagar para oubir l mirandés mais tarde neste módulo, mas se bós yá soubirdes ua lhéngua remance, podeis-bos astreber a respunder a estas preguntas… 

Mirandese has distinctive sounds, vocabulary and grammar. While they might look very similar in the written form, Mirandese isn’t always mutually intelligible with the rest of the languages in the area. We will have opportunities to hear Mirandese later on in the module, but if you already know a Romance language, you might want to give this written quiz a try…


Mirandese Copyright © by Alfredo Cameirão and Gema Zamora. All Rights Reserved.

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