7 Anhos 80, seclo XX / Mirandese in school
In 1985, the Council of Miranda, following the pioneering ideas of Júlio Meirinhos, made an official request to the Ministry of Education to run an experiment: teaching the first Mirandese course for Preparatory School (10 to 12 year olds), optional for the students and outside of the school curriculum. The Minister of Education at that time visited the Land of Miranda and accepted this request and the first course of Mirandese officially kicked off in 1986.
Fui amportante que, naquel tiempo, Domingos Raposo, un eilustre mirandés cun grande amor pula lhéngua, fura porsor de la scola purparatoira i cul sou trabalho i angenho, amanhou i ampeçou la scola de mirandés an Miranda. Cada anho que passaba habie mais alunos a querer-se apuntar al mirandés i mesmo l Senhor Persidente de la República, Dr. Mário Soares, chegou a star nua classe de mirandés. Mantubo-se l ansino de mirandés ne ls 5º i 6º anhos quaije até l seclo XXI.
The success of the project was owed to the work and efforts of Domingos Raposo, a renowned Mirandese intellectual who was a preparatory school teacher at the time. The Mirandese course grew in popularity over the following years, and every school year there were more and more students who chose to sign up. What started as an experiment attracted national attention and even the President of the Republic Mario Soares visited the school and sat at a lesson. The teaching of Mirandese was firmly established among 10 to 12 year old students in the 90s, almost until the start of the new century.