Integraceja izgleiteibys sistemā / Integration in the education system
Itamā nūdaļā tu dazynuosi par:
- viesturiskom, religiskom i lingvistiskom atškireibom latvīšu i latgalīšu literarūs
variantu formiešonuos laikā, - faktologeju par izgleiteibys procesim Latgolā,
- lykumdūšonu i juridiskajom normom, kas aizstuov, sagloboj i atteistej latgalīšu
volūdu, garantejūt juos funkcionalitati vysaiduos dzeivis sferuos i lītuojumūs, - vuiceibu materialim, kū oficiali apstyprynuojuse Izgleiteibys i zynuotnis ministreja, i
modernim, interaktivim reikim i platformom, kū veiduojuši akademiskī spāki i
piļsūniskūs organizaceju puorstuovi, - vareibu vuiceit latgalīšu volūdu školā i īrūbežuojumim, kas vysu laiku pastuov,
- kai var kliut par latgalīšu volūdys ci nūvodvuiceibys školuotuoju i cik jūs aptuveni ir.
Tu variesi:
- puorsalīcynuot par sovom zynuošonom Latgolys viesturē i byut eksperts senejūs
tekstu puorskaiteišonā, - papyldynuot karti ar datim par tovys školys darbeibys laiku,
- dabuot puorlīceibu, ka latgalīšu volūdai ir vysys volūdys pazeimis,
- paraudzeit sovus spākus pūļu, latiņu i latgalīšu volūdā,
- puorbaudeit sovys puču atpazeišonys prasmis.
In the following section, you will find information about:
- historical, religious, and linguistic differences between the contexts in which Standard
Latvian and the Latgalian written language were created and developed, - educational processes in Latgale and the role of Latgalian in them,
- laws and the legal foundations which protect and help to maintain and develop
Latgalian and are meant to guarantee its functioning in different domains of life and
use, - educational materials – officially recognised materials by the Latvian ministry of
education and science, as well as up-to-date interactive tools and platforms which have
been created by several academics and activists, - opportunities to learn Latgalian at school, and limits and obstacles which continue to
exist, - and how you can become a teacher of Latgalian language and regional studies, and
how many such teachers there are.
You will be able to:
- check your knowledge about the history of Latgale and become an expert in the
translation of historic texts, - add data about activities in your own school to a map,
- be reassured that Latgalian has all features of a full-fledged language,
- try out your language sense on Polish, Latin, and Latgalian,
- and check your skills to recognise flowers.